Usage Policy

  1. Your usage of all courses purchased through Alanna Thomas is in agreement with this Disclaimer and Privacy Statement and the policies contained therein. You may signal your disagreement to these terms by failing to visit the website.
  2. Our courses are designed for your education and enjoyment only. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are sufficiently fit, physically, mentally and emotionally, to undertake all components of the training course or service. It is your responsibility to notify us of any pre-existing medical conditions as well as any special assistance you may reasonably require prior to enrolment or before commencing any of the exercises contained with the course and again if circumstances change throughout the period you are undertaking a training.
  3. The information provided in Site is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical or psychological advice. Please consult a licensed mental health practitioner for meatal health needs. 

Limitation of Liability 

  1. Alanna Thomas shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from your participation in these courses and group sessions. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or damage whatsoever arising from accessing any of our courses online or in person.
  2. Alanna Thomas are not liable for any loss or damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the website. Alanna Thomas is not liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the statements or conduct of any third party or the interruption, suspension or termination of any services, whether such interruption, suspension or termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or intentional.
  3. Neither Alanna Thomas nor any of its employees or agents makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Accounts And Security

  1. You will need to enroll in the Alanna Thomas online Thinkific school to engage in your course learning. These include using a free group coaching sessions hosted separately on zoom.
  2. When setting up and maintaining your account, you must provide and continue to provide accurate and complete information, including a valid email address.
  3. You accept complete responsibility for your account and everything that happens on your account, including any harm or damage (to us or anyone else) caused by someone using your account without your permission.
  4. You agree to be careful with your password and keep it somewhere safe.
  5. You may not transfer your account to someone else or use someone else’s account without their permission.
  6. When enrolling in a class or course you agree not to share your log in details with anyone else and agree to notify us immediately if you discover that someone else may have been using your account and log in details without your permission.

Course Enrolment And Content

  1. When you purchase a course with us you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view its contents and resources solely for your individual, non-commercial, educational purposes
  2. Whether it is a free or paid course, as a student you agree not to share, transfer or resell courses in any way. You may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or use any course unless we give you explicit permission to do so in a written agreement signed by a Alanna Thomas authorized representative. Courses are licensed, and not sold, to you.
  3. You may not use the Content for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor may you, in the use of the Content, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws and other intellectual property rights of Alanna Thomas or of others). You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
  4. You agree to release Alanna Thomas from all liability for having accessed or not accessed Content. The Content may contain, or link to services containing, information and content that some people may deem inappropriate or may find offensive.
  5. In no case shall Alanna Thomas its directors or service providers be liable for any injury, loss (financial or otherwise), claim, or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages of any kind, arising from your use of the Content or any products procured using the Content, or for any other claim related in any way to your use of the Content or any product. 
  6. The entire content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, digital conversion, printed and other materials related to Alanna Thomas services, events and activities are the property of Alanna Thomas.


  1. Payments must be paid in full or the first instalment paid if on a payment plan, prior to the start of the training. 
  2. You confirm and agree to use only credit cards or other payment means which you are duly and fully authorized to use, and that all payment related information that you provided and will provide in the future, to or through Alanna Thomas is accurate, is current and correct and will continue to be accurate, current and correct. 
  3. By enrolling you are agreeing to be responsible for the payment of the applicable fees in full. You are responsible for ensuring any cost incurred in making such payment including but not limited to bank fees or transfer charges is paid by you and not us.
  4. You agree to pay all fees and charges associated with your Account on a timely basis and according to the fees schedule, the terms and the rates as published by Alanna Thomas. By providing us with your Payment Means you authorize us to bill and charge you through that and you agree to maintain valid Payment Means information in your Account information.
  5. You agree to pay the fees for courses that you purchase, and you authorize us to charge your debit or credit card for those fees. 
  6. If your payment fails, we reserve the right to disable access to any course for which we have not received adequate payment. You will also be charged a $50 administration fee for each failed payment.

Course Access

  1. Online: If purchase of an online course is via payment plan and a payment is missed you will be notified and a second attempt will be made to secure payment. If the second attempt fails your enrolment in the course will end and you will be denied access to the complete course.

Payment Plans

  1. Where a Payment Plan is offered, the first payment will be required at the time of enrolling in the course. The number and value of subsequent payments will depend upon the total price and length of the course being taken.
  2. If a payment is missed you will be notified and a second attempt will be made to secure payment. If the second attempt fails your enrolment in the course will end and you will be denied access to the complete course.

Coupon Codes

  1. From time to time special offers, early bird prices and discounts will be made available for teacher training and short courses.  A coupon code will be published or shared which is applied at the checkout.
  2. Coupon Codes are published with an expiry date or limited quantity. When the number of enrolments in the course either meet the quantity of coupons available, or where the end date of the coupon has elapsed, the offer will no longer be valid.

Cancellations, Refunds And Transfers

Please Consider Carefully The Financial And Time Commitment You Are Making Before Purchasing One Of Our Courses. 


  1. If you have booked onto a course you will not be eligible for a refund. If you have signed up to a payment plan you will be required to continue to make those payments until the full amount of the course fee is paid.
  2. If you wish to transfer to a later course and after consideration we agree to this you will still be responsible for full payment of the first course and will be offered the next course at a 50% discount

Use Of Image Permission

  1. With your participation in our education, group coaching and activities you give your full permission for any pictures, video and audio which are taken within the context of the service, event or activity to be used for promotion and marketing activities and material.
  2. It is your responsibility to inform Alanna Thomas if you do not wish to be included in these pictures, video or audio.

Personal Conduct

  1. You are required to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner at all training days and within the community pages of the online school. If you behave in a manner which in the opinion of Alanna Thomas is threatening, abusive, offensive or otherwise unacceptable, Alanna Thomas will have the right to bar you from that and all future training or services.
  2. You will remain liable for all the fees and no refund of fees will be given. If you behave in a manner which, in the opinion of the third party venue operator in which the training day, or course day is taking place, is threatening, abusive, offensive or otherwise unacceptable, they will have the right to take whatever action they deem appropriate, which may include banning you from that venue.
  3. When accessing our training courses, you are acknowledging and agreeing that this may include self-guided, self-paced and independent study where you are in charge of your own learning.


  1. Awarding organization certificates to show successful completion of a course will not be issued until after Alanna Thomas has received payment in full for the course for which you are being certificated.
  2. All certificates will be issued in the name held on our records at the date you successfully complete the course or module. It is your responsibility to inform Alanna Thomas in writing of any change of name.

Our Online Course Platform & Third Party Services

  1. Thinkific - Our course and community site is hosted by Thinkific. They provide us with the online course creation platform that allow us to bring our product/services to you.
  2. Your data is stored through Thinkific’s data storage, databases and the general Thinkific application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall.
  3. Payment: If you make a purchase on our site, this purchase is processed through Thinkific Inc. and in turn via a third-party payment processor such as Stripe or Paypal. Payments are encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction.